EXPOSING SELENA GOMEZ’S KIDNEY TRANSPLANT: Was it real? The truth behind her lupus, drug addiction, and more!


On September 14, 2017, Selena Gomez took to her large Instagram platform, to reveal the kidney transplant she got over the summer. If you are an exposingsmg reader who actually pays attention, you’d know that the A Team said she was getting something medically done in August. Too bad only like 6 of you exist. 

Without further ado, here is the information regarding Selena’s transplant, whether or not it was real, the backstory, our stance on lupus, and after all that, we drag everyone to filth. Sit back and make sure you have something to munch on because this is going to be a good and long read. 

Clearing Up Things & Showing How We Were Proven Right

I am currently writing this post on September 22—8 days after Selena revealed her kidney transplant. For 8 constant days, we have seen hate from all angles. Selena getting a kidney transplant brought out the heartwarming side of stan twitter and then brought out the demons into our mentions. Everyone was attacking us for sh-tting on poor little Sel while she was getting a new organ due to her horrible auto-immune disease. 


2020 update—In order to be a little bit more professional, I have removed about 90% of the dragging I did because in the heat of the moment, I was annoyed with all the hate we received from readers that never gave us a chance to explain a story that we hinted at before anyone else.

—resuming to the original content—

Did the kidney transplant come as a shock to us? No… for many reasons. The main one being is that WE WERE TOLD THAT SELENA WAS GETTING SOMETHING MEDICALLY DONE BACK IN JULY. We didn’t know the details of the medical procedure back then and then we were told it was top secret. We didn’t think more of it because Selena being hospitalized is something we said would end up happening due to many reasons. 


Now before you roll your eyes and say “oh you were told back in July but didn’t tell anyone?” Uh well, that is where you are wrong. Our source’s messages saying that Selena was getting something medically done was posted in the Jadison exposed on August 1. Behold. 


“I have noticed an absence from Selena. I hear she’s getting something done medically.” 

We were asking her information on both Jadison and Selena, hence why she jumped from Jadison to Selena. 

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Check for yourself here:

So while you all attacked us for being oh-so-mean-to-poor-lupus-diagnosed-Selena, you never actually remembered that we knew she was getting something medically done. Instead, you ran your mouths as if any of you know actually know anything prior to it happening. 


And here’s a different screenshot from my mobile device in comparison to the screenshot I provided from my computer:


“over the summer”

So if you want to question our credibility, you’re better off questioning how the hell we knew Selena was getting something medically done back in JULY (posted on ESMG in August), unless wait…… is it possible? Is it possible for ExposingSMG the oh-so-called-hater, actually has SOURCES????? 


And you can’t even play any games and tell us “oh you photoshopped that” when that message has been sitting nicely in the Jadison post since AUGUST. Guess since the majority of you don’t care for Jadison, you probably never even read our post. Oh well, that’s not my problem. 

For our own readers to attack us without giving us time to explain the story was just disheartening to see. You had that information since August and I just gave you three different screenshots proving the time we said it. You don’t want to read this blog or believe what we have to say? Exit right now. We don’t want you as a reader.


Now let’s get into the information our sources provided us within the short time we were allowed to get the information since everyone was having meltdowns about us not posting the second it happened. 

If you don’t want to sit and read the background information on this whole situation, skip to Part D

A. Our stance on lupus. 

I have said this 6,000 times but as we have already learned, many people don’t read. I’ll say it again. 

Our sources have said that Selena Gomez has been in and out of rehab due to severe drug addiction, not to lupus. The ExposingSMG team has never properly said that Selena does not have lupus. We have always referred to it as a conspiracy. The main claim is that Selena’s REHAB visits are due to drug addiction. We have stated before that we don’t have Selena’s medical records and therefore we can’t make a statement and say she does not have lupus when we don’t know… again; IT’S A CONSPIRACY TO US. We say she went to rehab for drug addiction because that is something we know as a fact. Regardless of whether or not Selena has lupus, we don’t care because it’s irrelevant to our argument. We wish her the best. Our claim revolves around her rehab visits

Here we are saying it on our ask back in August. 


We also said this in our lupus video in 2015.

And in our lupus post: 

We said it on Twitter multiple times. Here’s one back in 2016:


As you can see, we have said that exact claim many times. And as we already established, people don’t know how to read so they put words in our mouth.

Our lupus stance revolves around Selena’s rehab visits.  I can’t stress that out more. 

B. Why do we choose to believe drug addiction is Selena’s illness as opposed to it being lupus?

  1. *** Our sources said so. ***

  2. Our sources have never been wrong. 

  3. Selena’s team only invented the lupus story when the whole world started believing Selena was a coke addict. 

  4. We already listed our reasons here.

  5. But I’ll say it again. 

  6. Selena’s first rehab place didn’t treat an auto-immune disease (lupus). 


7. So why was she in that rehab if they don’t treat the autoimmune disease she’s supposedly there for?

8. Why does Selena publicly smoke, sun tan, drink alcohol, etc., when that is all advised against for lupus patients. According to Selena, she almost had a stroke, right? So it must be severe!


9. Oh but Selena’s second rehab visit treated lupus right? Wrong. Selena herself said she was there for her mental health which is something she’s BEEN struggling with. And the second rehab place, Brookhaven Retreat, treated mental health problems and DRUG ADDICTION… not LUPUS. 


“We are focused on treating emotional self-disconnection, mood disorders from depressionto bipolar, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, OCD, trauma, postpartum, grief and loss, and a range of addictive, dependent and co-dependent behaviors. ….. The program is specially designed to help women to manage alcohol and medication challenges, depression, emotional trauma, bipolar disorder, anxiety and mood disorders.“

At least she told half of the truth. 

Also, she was there smoking in rehab. 


We’re going to get to her smoking habits later on in the post and the reasoning behind the transplant and all of that. But we have to get this background info out of the way. 

You guys wanna know where the f-ck you go when you want to treat an autoimmune disease like LUPUS? The HOSPITAL. Not rehab. But who am I to say this to? A bunch of brain washed fans who only take in facts when they’re presented on a silver platter that makes their fave look good?

10. And lastly, how the f-ck do you expect me to believe Selena’s #1 problem in life is lupus when she can’t even get her disease right? Never forget when she said she has CANCER.


Who in the hell misspeaks about a disease and confuses it for a deadly type of cancer? Selena probably thought “oh Lupus aka Leukemia! Both start with an L! Fair enough!” and her robot fans ate it up. 

That’s not how it works. 

So those are my summarized reasons as to why I continue to believe that Selena struggles with drug addiction regardless of whatever degree of lupus she has. 

If you think I’m disgusting for questioning things the way everyone questioned Selena’s lupus when she decided to say she has leukemia, and when she is publicly seen doing things that are no-nos for lupus patients, AND she continues going to rehabs that specifically treat drug addiction not diseases like a hospital would treat, then yeah, I am disgusting. 

C. Selena’s drug addiction history and withdrawals leading up the kidney transplant. 

Selena Gomez has been struggling with severe drug addiction since 2013. She has been a heavy coke user for over 4 years. She drinks alcohol as if she’s a fish. She pops pills as if she owns a pharmacy. Of course she was going to suffer organ failure. She’s lucky she didn’t die.

And if you don’t believe us, then cry me a river. Part of the reason why Selena and her mental health will never recover is because she’s living a lie and I know she’s reading this right now and I know we said this before. Do you understand? Selena won’t recover as long as she keeps up this lie. She will relapse and will never be at peace since everyone is giving her sympathy for battling lupus when her bigger demons have to deal with herself. It’s sad, but I never signed up to tell a happy story.

Part 1:

Part 2:


So go on ahead. Tweet more about how Selena Gomez is a survivor and a strong woman. Tweet more about how you feel bad that Selena struggles with lupus. Go on. She’ll make another rehab visit and you’ll continue to wonder why she doesn’t go to a hospital and deal with a disease where diseases are dealt with.

A couple of days before Selena revealed her surgery, my source told me that Selena has been having withdrawals from her drug addiction. Meaning.. she was trying to stay sober and was dealing with the effects. This is the drug update I was telling you guys on Ask about. I never got the chance to post it so I’m telling you now. 


My source continues on saying that she has been drinking alcohol excessively which caused her cheeks to be extra puffy. It wasn’t that Selena “gained weight” since she was still extremely thin, but she had a puffy head to match that. To deal with the withdrawal of her coke/pill addiction, she kept smoking a lot of cigarettes. This is something she has been doing after her surgery to avoid going back to her crazy drug addiction because she can’t risk losing her new organ now. This is also something she does whenever she tries to sober up. She substitutes cigs for coke; something she did when she was in rehab too. 

On September 5th, Selena’s friend posted the following pic and tagged her on Instagram. 


Selenators were of course in denial about that being Selena because they’re robots who are in denial about everything, but Selena was later papped with that same outfit and nail polish color. 


So you’re going to see her lean more on cigarettes and alcohol, to avoid going on anything heavier like she is used too. 

My source also assumed that she has been dehydrated along with the alcohol and cigarette intake and this is something that we found out to be proved as a fact when my source got information regarding the kidney transplant. 

On our ask, many readers speculated that Selena was doing heroin. According to my source… no. 

Here are the messages about the drug update and how Selena’s dealing with the effects of not doing her typical drugs like cocaine. 


SEPTEMBER 7… “I wouldn’t be shocked if she ended up in the hospital” like we honestly can’t make this sh-t up. 


Those messages are the beginning of the kidney transplant story so let’s move onto the kidney transplant that everyone has been attacking me to expose as if I owe anyone any tea (try to be mindful and respectful when you’re harassing me for information).

Also before I get into why Selena had a kidney transplant, I’d like to shed light on when her Instagram post was posted. 

Selena posted her Instagram post on September 14th even though it was confirmed she got it earlier over the summer. 


Literally a week before, Selena got a TIME magazine for being one for the most important women in history making a change. That was on September 7th. 


Selena got public backlash for this because the public believed that Selena doesn’t deserve this title and that she has only done the bare minimum.   

She got A LOT of hate after her cover was posted and it wasn’t just stan twitter hating on her. It was also local twitter and some people who like her, but can admit she hasn’t done much except the bare minimum. 

And how convenient for Selenators that Selena got her surgery beginning of the summer and posts about it a week after she got blasted with hate all over social media. 

Another thing Selena did to stop the hate was post about DACA, something out of her league considering all she does is sign her signature on something and “kill em’ with kindness!”


It just makes you think maybe this was posted to stop all the hate and gain her back a sympathetic audience. 

Read the post on whether or not Selena deserved that TIME magazine cover and title:

D. The reasoning behind Selena’s kidney transplant. 

Was Selena’s kidney transplant fake? No. She actually did get one. 

Our sources tell us that Selena’s kidney transplant was more related to organ failure that was a result of drug addiction as opposed to lupus. 

Surprise surprise. No one totally knew we were going to say that. If you did, congratulations. What kind of flavor cookie do you want? 


Selena, July 24. Note how swollen she is. This was after the surgery and her dealing with drug withdrawals. 

We got attacked for not sh-tting out a novel the second Selena revealed the news as if we weren’t waiting on information from our sources. 

My source said that Selena’s severe alcohol abuse is what could have ruined her kidneys. And anyone close to Selena knows how insane her alcohol addiction actually is. It was actually one of the main reasons that her and Justin Bieber would fight over. Selena is a messy drunk. She’s very needy and whiny and overall insane. Like she’s an angry drunk too. Regardless, she drinks like a fish as I said before. 


Proof? As soon as Selena turned 21 and she can LEGALLY show that she drinks, it was the #1 thing on her Instagram to the point where her robot fans were a bit concerned. But 12 seconds passed and they brushed it off as “she’s just having fun hehe!” 


This isn’t even ¼th of all the times Selena has publicly been drinking. Imagine behind closed doors?


o no bby what is you doing…



Post about that here:

Our first ever exposed post had to deal with a Jelena problem that stemmed from Selena’s alcohol abuse. 

When Selena was shipped off to rehab for the first time, she stopped advertising her alcohol. 

Also, someone told me that you have to be sober 6 months in advance before getting a transplant or surgery in general. 

I read up about it and truthfully, you can’t be giving a kidney if you are a drug addict. Of course, a drug addicts’ kidneys would be all types of messed up.. hence the transplant. Her donor had to be sober obviously and Selena had to chill on the addiction (something her team wanted to make sure of). Who remembers? 


One of my source’s friends told her that Selena has been off the coke and has been smoking more to help with the urges of going back to coke. So my source was confused when she first heard that because Selena’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner was consisting of coke, so why the sudden change in diet? 

Ah yes. She was gon die. 

Remember when we told you months ago that Selena’s team was making her take AT HOME DRUG TESTS. 

Look what I said back in December in this post: 

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“Watch her become the face of lupus research or whatever”


“Or have her end up in the hospital.”


Like I literally can’t make this up. 

If I was out to get Selena, I couldn’t have possibly made sense out of everything. What team makes their client take at home drug tests unless the addiction is so severe it can be life threatening…. which it is. 

So to prep for this surgery, Selena was on a cleanse. She couldn’t eat so my source tells me that she was on prescription pills and had to get nutrients from the IV due to dehydration and excessive drinking. 

What happened when Selena realized that she needed surgery and needed a new kidney? My source tells me that Selena and Francia cried on the phone for hours because it was the moment she realized things were starting to catch up to her. 


That was the moment she realized she had f-cked up badly and this was more serious than she ever thought. 

This surgery was kept top secret, hence why the ExposingSMG team never knew the details. We just knew that she was getting something medically done, we just didn’t know WHAT. It was very top secret to the point where Selena was never papped at hospitals and she was taken to private doctors instead. 

Selena’s private doctor is who gave Selena the news and that’s when Selena said that she will try to quit coke. Her alternative? Cigarettes. 


This is something Selena always shifts to when she does a drug cleanse. She starts smoking cigs. She did that after her first rehab stint in 2014 as you can see by the picture above. 

And that’s the story of how Selena found out she needed the surgery, what she did, what she’s doing now, and the reason behind the surgery. Regardless of Selena’s degree of lupus, her drug addiction made everything worse. 

Your kidney’s job is to filter out the toxic waste out of your blood. Selena had so much toxic waste in her body that the kidney became toxic waste as opposed to something supposed to help you filter it out. She literally damaged the hell out of it. And for years I told you how severe this addiction was, but what do I know right? I just knew she was getting something medically done months before the reveal because it was told to me by the fairies in my head. 


With that being said, lupus also can affect the kidneys. 


So if Selena has lupus, this condition was definitely worsened by her drug addiction. 

And that’s the story behind Selena’s kidney transplant.

I am not happy she went through this and I wish her the best as I always have. It’s quite depressing to see that year after year I advise Selena and tell you guys that she needs help so from my eyes, it is heartbreaking to see the extent of damage that this drug life style leads to. Truly. From the bottom of my heart, I was very upset to hear that she went through this. She’s a young woman who has wasted what should be the most amazing years of her life.. struggling.. and refusing to get the proper help she needs in fear of everyone finding out about her addiction. 

E. What BlindGossip said about Selena’s kidney transplant. 

We never use Blindgossip as a source and usually whenever we say something, they say it shortly after. However, I think it’s interesting to note that this is what they had to say about Selena’s transplant. 


Funny. They also have the same thoughts on all of this and they tend to get proved right. 

So apparently the whole world is against Selena.

The facts themselves are against Selena. 

F. Selena’s peers’ thoughts on her kidney transplant. 

By peers, we mean the only relevant ones: Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber.


Taylor does feel bad that Selena had to go through this little adventure of changing kidneys, but she feels like it was all self-caused. She knows of her drug addiction hence why she chooses not to associate with Selena that much. Taylor also pities Selena because in her eyes, she’s a foolish girl with a problem that she refuses to get the appropriate health for. And it was too late. 

Note that this does not mean that Taylor hates Selena’s guts. 

How about Justin’s thoughts?


We don’t know if he reached out or not. 

How about Abel? 


Like we told you in our most recent Abelena update, they medicate their problems together. He probably fears he’ll end up like her. Despite their little PR movie, he was kind of there for her. 

Why did Pattie comment on Selena’s picture if you claim she hates Selena so much?


First of all, Selena just had an extremely difficult surgery. I don’t see any problem with why Pattie doesn’t wish her well. 

Second of all, Pattie is foolish like the rest of you. She believes Selena’s lupus story. It’s not like she knows her that well to know otherwise. Plus, she always chose Selena’s lies over Justin so what makes you think she’ll believe otherwise from Selena? Why do you think her and Justin’s relationship has been so strained since the breakup? Either way, that’s for another post. 

Third of all, Pattie was never fond of Selena during Jelena and hence why Love Yourself was about her. There are other reasons and you can find them in our video. 

G. Time to drag. 

If you thought we are dragging Selena’s robot fans, you’re wrong. 

We’re dragging YOU. 






This only goes out to the inconsiderate ones who flooded our ask box acting as if we are tea machines who can sh-t out a novel of information the second something happens. So if you’re a loyal reader who has stayed with us as we gotten proved right about everything, this part is not for you. And if you’re a Selenator, this post will probably give you nightmares so sweet dreams. 


“This hiatus is ridiculous” “You’re active” “You’re ignoring us”

We cater to thousands of anons all over the world and over 18,000 questions sit in our ask box. So no one is ignoring your question—we just don’t see it. It took TIME to get the information and yet you’re being inconsiderate of that. And you’ll see from the messages that I kept messaging my source when she couldn’t reply for a day because I had everyone bugging me over this post.  She was busy and she still had more information to get back to me with, which she never did because everyone was rushing this post. I’ll decide whether or not I want to reveal that info later. 


You act as if I woke up and chose to paint Selena as an ill drug addict. “Think of something else” as if I CHOOSE what Selena suffers. I write the TRUTH. If you want a fairytale storyline that’s different from what we exposed prior, try Wattpad.


And yet:


My “cryptic” posts were to let you know we’re coming and to have PATIENCE. And no. I don’t look dumb. I’d look dumb if I went on Twitter and paid attention to any of you mindless trolls without even getting the full story myself. 


Because she actually got a kidney transplant? Regardless of the reasons, it was a real thing. 


Refer to Part B. 


I’m not a tea machine. You get the tea when *WE* get the tea and when we *FEEL* like posting the tea. We do what we WANT. You are nobody to order us around into spilling information. We don’t owe you tea. We choose to give it to you. 


Selena actually proved me right. Thanks, Sel.


Hope the recovery is going well!


You clearly never supported me then because there is nothing that we have posted without proof, clarification, and events where we get proved right within time. So for you to assume that I’m lying or I’m over for not sh-tting out the information the moment it was revealed to you, is quite disgusting and I don’t want you as a reader. Hope you never read this blog again. Go on in life buying whatever act you’re fed.


A note to all our readers: Do not for a second believe that we ever owe you any information to the point where you feel entitled to demand it as if we’re not two people with many sources who are all BUSY. We choose to give you information. We get told information on the daily. There’s no rule that says we have to give it to you. But because we have made a loyal following, out of respect we choose to explain situations to you clearly. We could have easily posted about Selena’s kidney transplant without clarifying why we say it’s for drugs and not lupus and instead tell you to go bang your head into a wall until a vein pops. But we choose to give you the full story and explain everything because we want to. So next time a situation like this happens, don’t you dare act entitled to information to the point where you disrespect us and treat us like your free tea machines. Do that, and I promise that you’ll become a topic on ExposingSMG.

H. The End


In conclusion, we stand by our statement that Selena’s rehab visits and mental/physical health problems stem from her long lasting drug addiction as opposed to lupus, an autoimmune disease that she may or may not have. We gave you our reasons why, we were proved right about her getting something medically done in the summer, and if you don’t believe us, then we aren’t begging for your follow nor are we begging to have you as a reader. 

Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts. 

Here are the messages between me and my source. 


She didn’t have time to get back to me and after the rude behavior I’ve seen from my readers, I’ll decide whether or not I feel like revealing what she tells me. It’ll depend on my mood. 

Where to find or contact us: