Reader's Hub for October 2023 (testing) and updates

In an effort to minimize spam comments and keep blog comments relevant to the post, I am opening up a Reader’s Hub because I closed all recent post comments.

Commenting rules still apply here. The flagging system is back to working and the automatic system has been moderating spam comments before they’re even posted. To the group of you who kept commenting & pasting your comment 10+ times and noticed that it wasn’t going through—yeah the system was already filtering you out before your comment went public.

Tell me if you guys hate or love this.

If it’s a success, we’ll open up a Reader’s Hub page therefore the readers can still interact with each other even when there aren’t any new posts.

So tell me—good idea or flop idea?

See you soon xoxo

P.S. yes we will come here to reply to comments when we can.

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