HAPPY RAMADAN! (+ an update on upcoming posts)


First and foremost, I’d like to wish a Happy Ramadan to everyone celebrating.

I hope you enjoy your holiday with your family at home, staying safe and healthy!

I know there’s a lot of misconceptions about this holiday, so if any Muslims readers wanna drop a fun fact or two in the comment section below to educate us all, that would be awesome.

Also, I’ve had a reader contact me to share a heartbreaking story. I told her to create a GoFundMe and I’ll try my best to spread it. She didn’t write the in depth details of her story, but if you can please donate or share the link to someone who can, that would be amazing.

In the meantime, I thought I’d take this time to update my readers of the upcoming posts.


I’ve been working hard on the Meghan Markle and Prince Harry series (alongside a friend) which you guys should be expecting this week. I’m actually taking the time to finalize everything today. It’s going to be a continuing series on this blog, but a 2-part post will be going up hand in hand. This is why it’s taking me so long.

Here’s a tweet where I say all the other upcoming posts.

Comment down below any other posts that I promised that I’m missing (I’m a forgetful gal). Also, what do you guys think of our new Twitter layout? Let us know!

We did reopen our ask box and we have been super active on there, so if you’ve been waiting and you didn’t know, it’s open!

See you in the next couple of posts!
