A Posting Update! Justin Bieber's "Yummy" Conspiracy Theory and Miley Cyrus


Hey friends.

As some of you may have noticed the past few days, our posts haven’t been following the recent schedule. It all started with the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard post and that’s because the night before, we had an unexpected out of state trip.

I wasn’t able to finalize the post and yesterday’s scheduled post was the Pizzagate controversy surrounding Justin Bieber’s “Yummy.” Alana was writing that one and our Internet connection wasn’t the best so it was difficult to write that.

We’re super sorry! We usually have our posts either done and scheduled in advance or enough time allotted to finalize them. We’re leaving tonight so things should be back to normal.

With that being said, here’s the schedule for the final two posts from our last schedule:

  • The Conspiracy Surrounding Justin Bieber’s “Yummy” and Pizzagate Explained (Dark Hollywood) — August 23 at 12PM est.

  • Miley Cyrus: As A Person — August 26 at 12PM est.

Trust me, you guys don’t wanna miss these last two posts!


Thank you guys for understanding!

What’s Next?

Now that we are reaching the end of our posting schedule, comment down below what other posts you want us to publish. What other topics? Celebrities? Missed drama? Let us know! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that.

Stay safe!

P.S. Follow us on Instagram at exposingsmgblog. We do a lot of post recaps there along with a bunch of polls! Follow us on twitter at exposingsmg where I usually start some drama. And follow me on Pinterest at exposingsmg, if you’re into that. I have a bunch of cool “Elite” and “Dark” Hollywood boards that I think you’d really enjoy. Our links are always listed at the end of every post.

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